NodeJS is not a framework and programming language. It is an environment that allows performing back-end services which include API like web and mobile applications. There are big enterprises that have used the respective platform for their product and service-based app. Thus, choosing an open-source platform that allows the execution of the javascript node outside the browser is a smart decision to make for your business. Henceforth look for the node.js development company, however, before that it is important to have a brief idea about it.
There are programming languages allowing developers to build the back-end services, but NodeJS offers a bit extra. What are those?
Firstly, it easily allows prototyping and development in an agile way.
Secondly, the services are fast and scalable to a great extent.
Thirdly, as javascript is becoming ubiquitous thus, for programmers it becomes easy for them to build the back-end
Fourthly the codes are clear and consistent which makes the development task easy.
In addition to the above all for open source libraries, there is a large ecosystem.
Scalable: NodeJS offers flexibility to developers in developing an application that can be easily scaled in both horizontal and vertical aspects. Furthermore, it allows them to use the extra resources in order to leverage the scalability advantage.
Real-Time Application: For application development such as chat or game apps node.js proves to be a better option. The reason behind the same is synchronization in speed. This will avoid the HTTP overloading for the event loop.
Fast Suite: There are a few asynchronous operations that with the help of NodeJS can be resolved. Using the same helps in quick fetch and storing data in the database, file system, and network connection. Thus making the respective technology a fast suite.
Easy to learn and write: The use of javascript is making the code easy to learn & code. Henceforth, when it comes to the front-end development the developers will make the application in a seamless manner.
Caching: The property of caching a single module helps applications to have a memory that will avoid the re-execution of codes.
Streaming of data. The NodeJS allows the data streaming of both audio and video files at lightning speed. The response and request are two different events in the HTTP request. Therefore, when there is a request for the data the processed file will not take much time and present the transmission.
These above-mentioned lists are a few advantages that NodeJS has to offer to businesses. There are many corporations using their respective environment for creating applications. Thus, choosing the Top Node.js Development Company for your business app will definitely yield results and get you the apt enterprises solution.
You can reach out to the team of source soft solutions for your development projects. Their developers are experienced and have expertise in respective and many more technologies.
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